Information about Holmes County Hospital Corporation

How was Doctors Memorial Hospital formed?

On April 23rd, 1955, senate bill 45 (Chapter 30843) was passed, forming Holmes County Hospital Corporation as an independent special district. Click here to read the text of the statute.

What is the purpose of Holmes County Hospital Corporation?

Senate bill 45 says, “Holmes County Hospital Corporation was formed to provide for the establishment, acquisition or construction, equipping, maintenance and operation of a public hospital at Bonifay in Holmes County, Florida, for the benefit of the citizens and residents of Holmes County, Florida; to provide for the appointment of trustees of said hospital corporation and fix their powers and duties;

To provide that the physicians, nurses, attendants and patients in said hospital shall be subject to rules and regulations of the Board of Trustees of said Hospital; to provide that all purchases of supplies, equipment and materials by said Hospital Corporation shall be had after competitive conditions shall have been maintained; to provide for a detailed publication annually of moneys received and disbursed by said Hospital Corporation;

To provide for the acceptance of donations, gifts, contributions and grants; to provide for the Hospital Corporation to negotiate and enter into agreements with any Federal or State Agency lending or granting money for the purpose of establishing, acquiring or constructing, erecting, equipping, maintaining and operating a Public Hospital; to provide for the appropriation of money and raising of revenue for the establishment, acquisition or construction, maintenance, equipping and operation of such Hospital by allocating to such Hospital of a portion of the race track funds which may be received by Holmes County;

To provide that Holmes County, by and through its Board of County Commissioners, shall be authorized to levy a tax of not more than five (5) mills on all taxable real and personal property in said County for a period of twenty-five (25) years from July 1, 1955, for the establishment, acquisition or construction, maintenance, equipping and operation of such Hospital; to provide that Holmes County Hospital Corporation shall have the right of eminent domain; authorizing said Hospital Corporation to borrow money and to issue negotiable bonds, revenue certificates, notes, debentures, certificates of indebtedness and other obligations; to provide that the bonds issued by said Hospital Corporation shall not exceed One Hundred Seventy-five Thousand (175,000.00) Dollars;

To provide for a freeholders election to be called and held in Holmes County by Board of County Commissioners of said County; to provide that all bonds issued by Holmes County Hospital Corporation shall be the majority of the votes cast in an election in which a majority of the freeholders who are qualified, registered electors in Holmes County shall participate; to provide for the manner and method of holding said election, canvassing and ascertaining the results thereof;

To provide that said bonds, when authorized, may be validated as prescribed by law; to provide for the sale and issuance of said bonds; providing for the Trustees of said Holmes County Hospital to prepare and present annually on or before the first day of June to the Board of County Commissioners an estimate of the amount of money needed to retire the principal indebtedness and interest for that year of outstanding bonds;

To provide that it shall be the mandatory duty of said Board of County Commissioners to levy sufficient tax on the real and personal property in Holmes County not to exceed five (5) mills in any one year to retire said indebtedness in accordance with the estimate submitted by said Trustees of Holmes County Hospital Corporation; to provide for rights and remedies of the bondholders; to provide for certain recitals and conditions to be contained in said bonds; to provide duties and responsibilities of the Board of County Commissioners, Tax Assessor, Comptroller and Tax Collector in assessing, collecting and distributing said tax levy to retire said bonded indebtedness; to provide that the bonds so issued by the Holmes County Hospital Corporation are constituted legal investments for State, County, Municipal or Public Funds or for any Bank, Savings Bank, Trustees, Executors or any other Trust of Fiduciary Funds;

To provide when this Act becomes effective; to provide that all property owned by said Holmes County Hospital Corporation shall be exempt from taxation of every kind; to provide that the Board of County Commissioners of Holmes County may allocate to the Holmes County Hospital Corporation any other money in its possession not otherwise appropriated or allocated to other uses; to provide that in the event that the Holmes County Hospital Corporation is not formed under the provisions of this Act, for any reason, then in such event, the race track funds pledged herein to Holmes County Hospital Corporation shall accrue and be paid to Board of County Commissioners of Holmes County for the use and benefit of such Board of Trustees as may eventually construct and operate a Public Hospital in Holmes County.”

Who are the governing body members?

Cynthia Brooks was appointed by Governor Ron Desantis on December 19, 2019 to serve a term of four (4) years on the board of Holmes County Hospital Corporation. To correspond with Mrs. Brooks, please send mail to P.O. Box 188, Bonifay, Florida, 32425 or send email to

What is the fiscal year of Holmes County Hospital Corporation?

The fiscal year is as follows; October 1 through September 30.

How can I contact a representative of Holmes County Hospital Corporation?

Mailing address: 2600 Hospital Drive, Bonifay, Florida, 32425
Email address:
Phone number: (850) 547-8000

What is the service area of Holmes County Hospital Corporation?

Doctors Memorial Hospital is located in Florida’s panhandle bordered by the state of Alabama to the north. The county’s area is approximately 478.7 square miles. There are five municipalities in Holmes County, including Bonifay, Esto, Noma, Ponce de Leon and Westville, with the City of Bonifay being the county seat. The US census data taken from 2010-2014 report the population of Holmes County at 19,741. This is a population percentage decrease of -1.4% since the 2010-2014 census data.

What are the services provided by Holmes County Hospital Corporation?

Services offered include: Emergency Department, Anesthesia, Burns, Colon and rectal surgery, General Surgery, Internal Medicine, Pulmonary Medicine, Radiology, Pathology.

What are the taxes imposed by Holmes County Hospital Corporation?

Currently, there are no taxes imposed by Holmes County Hospital Corporation.

What is the primary contact information for Holmes County Hospital Corporation?

Mailing address: 2600 Hospital Drive, Bonifay, Florida, 32425
Email address:
Phone number: (850)547-8000

What is the code of ethics for Holmes County Hospital Corporation?

Employees of Doctors Memorial Hospital agree to abide by the Employee Handbook.

How do I get a copy of the latest community needs assessment performed on behalf of Holmes County Hospital Corporation?

Click here to obtain the Community Health Needs Assessment report completed in 2023 by Doctors Memorial Hospital Board of Trustees

How can I view Holmes County Hospital Corporation’s financial filing to the Florida Auditor General?

How can I view the Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government Accountability audit of Holmes County and Holmes County Hospital Corporation?

Click here to view the audit performed by McConnell & Jones LLP completed on August 28, 2020.

What are the dates of public meetings where the board of Holmes County Hospital Corporation meets?



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